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A pragmatic approach to a modern business concern.

 Part 1. Monday, May 22, 2023. News and advice for young entrepreneurs.

A pragmatic approach to a modern business concern.

Let us become wiser

"The value of a company is the present value of future cash inflows."

From Economic Theory.

The competitive position of each small or medium-sized business, with a physical presence or even only through the internet (E-shop), depends on the factors that shape the competitive environment in which the company operates, always about its competitors, but also external factors that directly affect it.

And these are none other than the political situation of the country in which it operates, the policies it observes and implements for businesses and the incentives, intangible and material, for new entrants, the ability of the broads to consume, the evolving perception of the market and products, the, i.e., mature consumer awareness and other parameters that the entrepreneur is not in a position to influence or control.

The ongoing economic crises that started in September 1999 (with the breakup of Yugoslavia) were preceded by the division of the former Soviet Union and the continuous Geopolitical, financial, political and financial crises, which led today in May 2023 to the establishment of the unstable environment that we experience, so that an entrepreneur-leader cannot quickly and reliably formulate a convincing business plan for more than a year or two.

Nevertheless, analyzing all the forces that affect and develop in this environment (toxic or not, time and the "postmortem" will show) in which a company operates constitutes the study and basis of a Competitive strategy.

A long-term strategy with constant updates and changes, a plan, a vision, and an idea (a hope lost amid time, an Autumn afternoon) that will inspire the entrepreneur will feed him with a confidence database, evidence, and sound and documented research.

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